“So far, each module has led me to question how we currently do things”

“So far, each module has led me to question how we currently do things”

27 November 2020

The participants in the Gothenburg Executive MBA 2020-2022 have completed their first three training modules. Benjamin von Jahf, CEO of the Ehrab Group, with three economics university degrees already on his CV, chose between pursuing an Executive MBA and a PhD. He chose the Executive MBA and is pleased with his decision.

“The Executive MBA suits me better, mainly because it is more comprehensive and touches all aspects of company management. I am passionate about corporate strategy and operational development, so this is really very interesting and fun.”

“The group itself contributes a lot to the positive feeling,” says Benjamin von Jahf.

“The mix of people in different roles and from different industries and companies leads to very interesting discussions. In addition, the group members have a lot of experience, good educational backgrounds and large networks.”


Fast turnover of new knowledge

The first module, Strategic Management, met Benjamin von Jahf’s high expectations. Ahead of the second module, Organisational Structure and Culture, he was somewhat hesitant, but it turned out to be a positive surprise.

“Professor Gideon Kunda made me realize the enormous impact that human factors have, i.e. the interaction between the people and the culture in the organisation. I got a whole new way of looking at organisations and also words to describe them.”

“So far, each module has led me to question how we currently do things in the company. I now have a new picture of the forces that drive development and, thus, what I should invest in. As CEO, I have short decision-making timeframes and can apply the new knowledge directly.”


Challenging and rewarding

Benjamin von Jahf

According to Benjamin von Jahf, pursuing an Executive MBA is a big commitment and a challenge to find the time for studies alongside work and family. But it’s worth it.

“The education is very enriching and really worth the money and the work. It is also clear that the reward grows in relation to the effort; the more effort I put into the education, the more it gives me back. An Executive MBA on top of leadership experience is a powerful combination.”


More about Gothenburg Executive MBA

More about GU Executive Education


For more information about Gothenburg Executive MBA, contact:

Peter Salomonsson, Sales & Business Development Manager

peter.salomonsson@handels.gu.se, +46 708 62 48 60

Håkan Ericson, CEO

hakan.ericson@handels.gu.se, +46 709 50 63 35