School of Business, Economics and Law – 2011-10-19

Recently the Gothenburg Executive MBA programme for 2011-2013 started with 23 participants from 18 companies based in Sweden, Germany, Austria, Finland, Japan and the USA. The part-time management programme is directed towards managers in both private and public sectors. With specific focus on Asia the participants are given tools which with to do business in a global market.

Executive MBA class with much diversity
In this year’s programme there are participants from a large number of sectors such as medicinal technology, manufacturing industries and banking. There is even a non-profit organisation represented. The average age is 39 and the participants have an average of ten years’ managerial experience. The majority of the participants are Swedish. However, many have a foreign background and several of them travel long distances to take part in the programme. Julia Lamskemper (photo below) is sales manager at a family-owned German company and has chosen to commute to Gothenburg from Düsseldorf.

“My manager has an MBA from INSEAD in France and it was he that encouraged me to follow his example. When I was comparing various international MBA programmes outside Germany I came across the Gothenburg Executive MBA and was attracted by the part-time study commitment and the Asian focus. Now I’m looking forward to studying in an international environment together with experienced participants with experience from several cultures”, says Julia Lamskemper.

Per-Olof Larsson, CEO of the School of Executive Education at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University Gothenburg, is happy about the high level of interest and is content with the degree of diversity within the group.
“It has been our strategic ambition to attract participants from other countries and with different backgrounds. This year we’ve really managed to bring together a good, exciting group”, explains Per-Olof Larsson.

21 months with business and leadership
The Executive MBA programme started with three intensive days focussing on strategy run by Professor P.D. Jose from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Now a series of lectures and project work await the group, with everything from marketing and management accounting to innovation and creative leadership. The participants will be attending the university every third weekend over a period of 21 months, during which time some 500 hours will be spent in the classroom and another 800 hours allocated for individual work.

The Indian Ambassador welcomed the participants
In connection with the visit of India’s Ambassador His Excellence Ashok Sajjanhar to the School of Business, Economics and Law, he welcomed the programme participants and at the same time stressed the ties between the School and India, not least the strategic collaboration between the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, where the MBA programme participants will be travelling during their final term.

For further information and photos please contact Per-Olof Larsson, tel +46(0)31-786 5381, +46 (0)708- 98 16 00,

About the School of Executive Education at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg School of Executive Education is a provider of university-based management development programmes, founded in 2008 as a carve-out of the executive education practice of the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. School of Executive Education delivers customized programmes for the private and public sector and one Executive MBA programme. The clients are spread out across the globe and programmes are delivered e.g. in Finland, USA, India, China and Singapore. The School of Executive Education designs programmes that combine academic rigour with practical relevance, which helps the customers to implement strategies through the development of key employees.

School of Business, Economics and Law – 2011-10-19

Recently the Gothenburg Executive MBA programme for 2011-2013 started with 23 participants from 18 companies based in Sweden, Germany, Austria, Finland, Japan and the USA. The part-time management programme is directed towards managers in both private and public sectors. With specific focus on Asia the participants are given tools which with to do business in a global market.

Executive MBA class with much diversity
In this year’s programme there are participants from a large number of sectors such as medicinal technology, manufacturing industries and banking. There is even a non-profit organisation represented. The average age is 39 and the participants have an average of ten years’ managerial experience. The majority of the participants are Swedish. However, many have a foreign background and several of them travel long distances to take part in the programme. Julia Lamskemper (photo below) is sales manager at a family-owned German company and has chosen to commute to Gothenburg from Düsseldorf.

“My manager has an MBA from INSEAD in France and it was he that encouraged me to follow his example. When I was comparing various international MBA programmes outside Germany I came across the Gothenburg Executive MBA and was attracted by the part-time study commitment and the Asian focus. Now I’m looking forward to studying in an international environment together with experienced participants with experience from several cultures”, says Julia Lamskemper.

Per-Olof Larsson, CEO of the School of Executive Education at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University Gothenburg, is happy about the high level of interest and is content with the degree of diversity within the group.
“It has been our strategic ambition to attract participants from other countries and with different backgrounds. This year we’ve really managed to bring together a good, exciting group”, explains Per-Olof Larsson.

21 months with business and leadership
The Executive MBA programme started with three intensive days focussing on strategy run by Professor P.D. Jose from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Now a series of lectures and project work await the group, with everything from marketing and management accounting to innovation and creative leadership. The participants will be attending the university every third weekend over a period of 21 months, during which time some 500 hours will be spent in the classroom and another 800 hours allocated for individual work.

The Indian Ambassador welcomed the participants
In connection with the visit of India’s Ambassador His Excellence Ashok Sajjanhar to the School of Business, Economics and Law, he welcomed the programme participants and at the same time stressed the ties between the School and India, not least the strategic collaboration between the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, where the MBA programme participants will be travelling during their final term.

For further information and photos please contact Per-Olof Larsson, tel +46(0)31-786 5381, +46 (0)708- 98 16 00,

About the School of Executive Education at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg School of Executive Education is a provider of university-based management development programmes, founded in 2008 as a carve-out of the executive education practice of the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. School of Executive Education delivers customized programmes for the private and public sector and one Executive MBA programme. The clients are spread out across the globe and programmes are delivered e.g. in Finland, USA, India, China and Singapore. The School of Executive Education designs programmes that combine academic rigour with practical relevance, which helps the customers to implement strategies through the development of key employees.