Executive MBA programme
Develop your capabilities to manage strategic and operational realities.
27 March 2014
A new non-profit association, West Sweden Asia Gateway has been formed. The purpose is to promote the links between West Sweden and East Asia. The association has been created by a handful of businesses in Gothenburg together with GU School of Executive Education as one of the founding members.
The mission of West Sweden Asia Gateway is to gather companies and people with knowledge of Asian business and culture and who wish to share and develop their knowledge through the association.
– West Sweden Asia Gateway is based on the long-lasting and successful historical co-operation between Sweden and countries in East Asia. Our ultimate mission is to be a gateway to create more business between our regions. We will arrange seminars, meetings and other activities to the benefit of our members and their businesses, says Christer Hedin, Chairman of West Sweden Asia Gateway.
The association has been founded by GU School of Executive Education, Joycetrade Consulting AB, Magnusson Advokatbyrå, Advokatfirman Vinge and Advokatfirman Wåhlin. All founding members have businesses in Asia and are looking forward to exchange of knowledge with the new association as a platform.
– Our business is competence development and we have a special focus on Asia. Many of the challenges that exist in the relations between our regions are related to competence. All forces that deepen the relations between West Sweden and Asia are good for us. We wish to engage in this context. Thus, we are one of the founding members of West Sweden Asia Gateway, says Per-Olof Larsson, Managing Director of GU School of Executive Education.
West Sweden Asia Gateway is a membership organisation and is open to both companies and individuals.
The first event will take place on May 12, 2014 with a lecture by Dr. Christer Ljungwall, Head of office at the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, Science & Technology Office, Embassy of Sweden, Beijing, China.
Information about West Sweden Asia Gateway can be found on the home page: www.wsagateway.org
For more information, please contact: Per-Olof Larsson, CEO, tel. +46 (0)31-786 5381, +46 (0)70 898 16 00, per-olof.larsson@handels.gu.se
About GU School of Executive Education
GU School of Executive Education is associated with the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. We offer management development programmes for internationally oriented Nordic companies. Our offerings include tailor-made Custom Programmes and Sweden’s only AMBA-accredited Executive MBA programme.