Executive MBA programme
Develop your capabilities to manage strategic and operational realities.
With implementation in focus, the Gothenburg Executive MBA programme strengthens the participants’ managerial skills and enhances their business acumen. With the Executive MBA programme, the participants can take their next career steps with confidence. Our programme enhances organisational learning and provides a career boost for the participant and a solid investment for the sponsoring organisation.
The programme fee is 530 000 SEK, excluding VAT. This fee includes lectures, supervision and all mandatory study literature. It also includes refreshments and lunches. Travel and accommodation costs where applicable are not included in the programme fee. This applies to the recurring on campus sessions, the three-day, off-campus leadership workshop and the two separate one-week residencies in China and India.
Our participants need to be fully sponsored by their employers. A non-refundable tuition reservation fee (10%) is required upon acceptance to the programme. The remaining tuition will be paid in two equal instalments at the start of the programme and the start of the second term.
Knut & Ragnvi Jacobsson family foundation
Are you an entrepreneur with your own company already up and running? Then you can apply for a scholarship from the Knut & Ragnvi Jacobsson family foundation to cover your costs while on the Executive MBA programme. The foundation was set up in 2012 to fund a wide range of competence development efforts for successful entrepreneurs and researchers. More information (in Swedish only) about how to apply is found at the web site of the foundation.
In 2021, Göteborg-Posten, in collaboration with the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, established a scholarship that covers the fee for participating in the Executive MBA program. The scholarship is given to a person who is assessed to be able to contribute to a positive development for their organization and for Western Sweden. To be able to become a scholarship holder, an academic degree equivalent to a Bachelor, at least three years of relevant work experience, very good knowledge of English and that the employer supports participation in the education, is requested. More information (in Swedish only) is found here.
Want to know more? Attend one of our information sessions!
GU Executive Education AB
Att: Håkan Ericson
PO Box 609
405 30 Gothenburg