The Executive MBA class 2011 – 2013 resumed on 23rd August after the summer break. The hallway in the School of Business, Economics and Law was filled with greetings, laughter and joy. Some of the participants had a long relaxing summer vacation while some only had a few days off from work. Regardless of how they enjoyed the summer, they all said that they couldn’t wait to be back to the class and meet with their fellow classmates.

In less than two months, this class will be the “senior” fellows when the new Executive MBA class begins on 4th October. In several months, this class will be off to India for the module International Business & Creative Leadership. Most of them including me have not been to India. How will the India module be? What will the participants learn in the ten day intensive study trip? Stay tune for more class updates!

Here are some snapshots when the participants were having group discussion.

From left to right: Jonas Kihlberg, Fredrik Enander and Torbjörn Winsell
From left to right: Jan Zakarian , Thomas Fogelström, Julia Lamskemper, Anders Noaksson and Toni Stojcevski